Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A Felicitous Phrase

As regular readers know, I have a weakness for an especially apt turn of phrase. Sci Fi author Sarah Hoyt, a regular guest blogger at Instapundit, crafts just such a comment on the subject of socialism.
“Capitalism” is the name Marx (that angry grifter) coined for free trade, which is what humans do if left alone. Ultimately Socialism’s problems aren’t with “capitalism.” They’re with humans.
Hoyt writes beautifully, conveying briefly something I’ve tried to express in much less elegant fashion. Namely, that socialism is based on a willful misunderstanding of human motivation; on insisting what its advocates wish were true of us is a description of our actuality.

What works in a family, at least some of the time, cannot be scaled up to a society where it works not at all.