Monday, August 12, 2019

”Public Charge” as Green Card Poison Pill

Politico has a story about President Trump moving to deny green cards to immigrants who utilize public benefits for the indigent. Various sources call this the resumption of enforcement of existing law. It is a good decision.
The benefits covered under the regulation include food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, and housing assistance. 
Somebody in the Trump White House is aware of the need to court the suburban women’s vote, because:
The regulation will not consider enrollment in the Children's Health Insurance Program toward a public charge determination.

In addition, the use of Medicaid by children and pregnant women will not lead to being labeled a public charge. The final rule also dropped a prescription drug subsidy program, known as Medicare Part D, from a list of restricted benefits.
This sort of thing is not new. The other DrC’s immigrant grandfather had to sign an affidavit promising his wife and children, still in the old country, would not become a burden on the U.S. if permitted to immigrate. It was in 1918, and grandfather kept that promise.