Sunday, August 25, 2019

Digging the Dirt links to an Axios report of long-needed "oppo" research being done by supporters of the President. What they claim is happening is this.
A pro-Trump network of conservative operatives has been compiling dossiers of potentially damaging public comments and social media posts by journalists who have produced unfavorable coverage of the administration.

Sam Nunberg, who worked on the 2016 Trump campaign, told the (New York) Times: "Two can play at this game. The media has long targeted Republicans with deep dives into their social media, looking to caricature all conservatives and Trump voters as racists."
Will any politically aware person be surprised if most journalists are shown to be leftist Democrats actively involved in helping their party? Almost as shocked as Captain Renault is to 'discover' gambling happening at Rick's Cafe Americain in Casablanca, at a guess.