Saturday, August 24, 2019

Whither Williamson

Writing at the whimsically named Sultan Knish blog, Daniel Greenfield unloads some choice snark on Democrats in general, and Marianne Williamson in particular.
Williamson is a crackpot, but her crackpottery fills the broken china closets of the Democrats. She got this far because the upper echelons of the Dems don’t believe in God, but do believe in crazy.

Marianne Williamson, like Obama and Oprah, speak to their inner specialness, to their egos and their conviction that they were put on earth to change the world and feel good about themselves.

They are their own goddesses, their religion is narcissism, and the church is leftist politics.
It is claimed Williamson slept in the Lincoln Bedroom, invited by Hillary. A total fruitcake.