Sunday, August 18, 2019

The “Social Justice” Disease

Instapundit links to a Campus Reform article about the wave of “social justice” majors and programs on campuses. Obviously none of us approve of this silliness, imagine wasting tuition dollars teaching people to be societal pains in the the ass.

I wish to speak to the utter fatuousness of “social justice” programs at universities. Going to university to become usefully employable is the only economically justifiable reason for the great bulk of students who are not idly rich.

Can you imagine employers willingly hiring graduates with major work in “social justice”? Doing so would be managerial malpractice, the self-destructive equivalent of knowingly sharing a sleeping bag with a cobra or marrying a heroin addict.

Public institutions have no business committing this sort of foolishness. At least in states where Republicans control legislatures, the power of the purse should be sufficient to prevent it.

If private higher ed campuses choose to do so, there’s probably no stopping them short of bankruptcy followed by closure. You’d hope their trustees would intervene, but such normally rubber stamp what administrators tell them is appropriate, until it’s too late.