Thursday, August 1, 2019

Debate Viewership Down Again

Politico reports how many people watched the two nights of the Democrats' Detroit debates. As we noted earlier, it was likely the first night's viewership would be lower than the second because all the candidates there on view were white, whereas the most reliable Democrats are black.

Wednesday night drew 10.7 million TV viewers, Tuesday night only 8.7. Comparing online live streamers, it was 2.8 million Tuesday and 3.1 million Wednesday.

The addition of viewers of color on Wednesday no doubt accounts for some of the increase. The presence of frontrunner Joe Biden on Wednesday accounts for much of the balance.

Total Detroit viewership was down from the pair of debates a month earlier in late June. I suspect it is because these 20 men and women are fundamentally uninspiring individuals.

Meanwhile, President Trump continues to draw overflow crowds to his rallies. It's not magic really, Trump puts on a great show.