Thursday, August 15, 2019

Update on Italy

Spectator USA writes about Matteo Salvini's growing power in Italy. It appears he has a chance of forming a government with a more-or-less unified conservative/populist/nationalist platform. He is expected to call elections in late October, just before the Brexit decision comes down.

Another Spectator USA article quotes Salvini about trends in European politics, as he sees them.
Not only is Lega the first party in Italy, but also Marine Le Pen is the first party in France, Nigel Farage is the first party in the UK. Therefore, Italy, France, the UK — it is the sign of a Europe that is changing… a new Europe has been born.
While Salvini is technically correct, the coalition politics in which Europe excels (as we do not) mean the largest single party doesn't get to form the government. Rather it is formed by the coalition with the most votes in parliament.

Recently, Italy has made common cause with Orban's Hungary on matters of immigration and national sovereignty. Interesting winds are blowing through the halls of the EU.