Saturday, August 17, 2019


Jack Dunphy "is the pseudonym of a police officer in Southern California," his nom de plume if you like. Here, in a column for PJMedia, he notes Antifa complaining about the LAPD "infiltrating" their organization. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.

Friends, this kind of policing is nothing new. LAPD has been infiltrating subversive groups since the 1920s, that I know of.

Thirty years later my dad, who worked on the fringes of SoCal law enforcement for a decade or so before I was born, reminisced about the “red cells” they’d infiltrate, then bust, or just trash. He was deliberately vague about whether he was personally involved or repeating cop shop gossip.

Related: Where do you think the idea for the Marty Deeks character on the CBS NCIS Los Angeles show comes from? Executive producer Mark Harmon grew up and is connected in SoCal. It's likely he heard via the Hollywood grapevine of LAPD involvement in things not obviously within their purview.