Sunday, August 4, 2019

Placing Blame

Power Line's John Hinderaker writes some good stuff about Democrats casting blame on Republicans about the recent mass shootings. Here is the gist of it.
Most or all of the Democratic presidential contenders rushed to blame President Trump for the mass shooting in El Paso. This is deeply contemptible. There were mass murders during the Obama administration too, so was Obama responsible for them? Of course not. But the most egregious Democrat is Bernie Sanders.

Dayton, Ohio murderer Connor Betts was a leftist, a gun control advocate, a fan of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and also of the Squad. So, Bernie, is he your guy? Are you responsible for his murderous rampage? Was it your hate speech that drove him to become a mass murderer? If not ... sit down and shut up.
Our national decision to not warehouse crazy people was enabled by key members of both parties, as COTTonLINE has often noted. We now live with (and die from) the consequences of that failed choice. There is more than enough blame to go around.