Sunday, August 18, 2019

California Craziness links to a Daily Caller article about a new Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum proposed in California. It doesn't sound wonderful.
The Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, proposed by the California Department of Education, includes anti-Israel bias and aims to teach students about the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Palestinian-led anti-Israel initiative. The curriculum also has students study issues of police brutality and asks teachers to find incidents of bias by police in their own communities.

There are no teachings in the 300-page curriculum on anti-Semitism or Jewish Americans.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California demanded an inquiry into the curriculum and wondered how it “made its way through” the system. “This was not simply an oversight – the California Department of Education’s attempt to institutionalize anti-Semitism is not only discriminatory and intolerant, it’s dangerous,” McCarthy said.
Imagine how popular this curriculum won't be in progressive Hollywood.