Wednesday, August 28, 2019

No Climate Change Detected

RealClearEnergy runs a story about a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program. Hat tip to Power Line for the link.
In January 2005, NOAA began recording temperatures at its newly built U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN). USCRN includes 114 pristinely maintained temperature stations spaced relatively uniformly across the lower 48 states. NOAA selected locations that were far away from urban and land-development impacts that might artificially taint temperature readings.

The USCRN has eliminated the need to rely on, and adjust the data from, outdated temperature stations. Strikingly, as shown in the graph (at the article, scroll down), USCRN temperature stations show no warming since 2005 (emphasis added) when the network went online. If anything, U.S. temperatures are now slightly cooler than they were 14 years ago.

The lack of warming in the United States during the past 14 years is not too different from satellite-measured global trends. Globally, satellite instruments report temperatures have risen merely 0.15 degrees Celsius since 2005, which is less than half the pace predicted by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate models.
In spite of which every Democrat running for president acts panicked over global climate change. Do they believe what they're saying or are they pandering to the climatically paranoid.