Saturday, December 2, 2023

Being Real About Aging

I am three years older than Joe Biden. I am still reasonably alert mentally, as I believe this blog demonstrates. But I promise you three years ago you wouldn't have wanted me as your President, and I wouldn't have taken the job, had it been offered. 

He tries to fake stamina, so do I sometimes, without a zillion TV cameras pointed at me. He doesn't succeed and I suspect I don't either. We've put a lot of miles on these old bodies and they aren't as able as they were.

I forget a name or a fact I've known nearly all my life now and then. Out of the public eye, it doesn't much embarrass me. I feel for him doing it with millions of people watching and recording his lapses and frailty, and commenting on it. 

Being president is a tough job done in the glare of public scrutiny. The stress and unrelenting schedule visibly ages those who do the job fully. Look at photos of eight year presidents before and after, the job takes a serious toll. It's a toll a guy or gal in their 50s or 60s can handle, the game is definitely worth the candle at those ages. 

Don't give the job to an obviously failing octogenarian. Be skeptical about doing so with a still together late septuagenarian.