Friday, December 1, 2023

Liberal Parents a Problem

Breitbart reports a Gallup study, done with the Institute for Family Studies which finds this.

"Being raised by liberal parents is a much larger risk factor for mental health problems in adolescence than being raised in a low-income household with parents who did not attend college,” wrote the brief’s author, Jonathan Rothwell, the principal economist at Gallup and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. 

“Children of conservative parents score significantly better on mental health using either a comprehensive measure of mental health based on several items, or just asking either parent or adolescents to summarize their mental health on a 1-5 scale. The gap is large,” Rothwell continued.

I suppose you're thinking liberal parents do a worse job of raising kids, and in truth they may. However, it is likely a much more significant factor is genetics. 

Liberals have been shown to be more likely to have mental problems. The children of those with mental problems are more likely to also have such problems. Environment may be a factor, genetics is a bigger factor. Hat tip to for the link.