Sunday, September 27, 2020

An Attack on Nominee Barrett

As expected, President Trump nominated Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the Supreme Court. When confirmed she will be the first woman with school-age children to serve on that august body. 

Two of her seven children are adopted Haitian orphans. The line of attack on her is that by adopting Black children she has somehow engaged in colonialism, what a cynic would sneeringly refer to as “picking up the white man’s burden,” echoing arch-colonialist poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling. 

Race hustler Ibram X. Kendi Tweets in reference to Barrett: 

Some White colonizers "adopted" Black children. They "civilized" these "savage" children in the "superior" ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.

Meanwhile 20+ years ago a very liberal White friend of ours adopted a Chinese baby girl - a victim of China’s one child policy - from an orphanage in China. That now-adult young lady just graduated from an R.N. program in TX and aims to be a nurse practitioner. 

I wonder how her adoptive mother will experience liberals beating up on Barrett for doing what she did, namely adopting an unwanted child of another race from another country? I predict cognitive dissonance, on stilts.