Thursday, September 24, 2020

Going Electric?

Governor Gavin Newsom has decreed that after 2035 no internal combustion vehicles will be sold in CA. He claims people who own them will still be able to drive them. 

This is mostly hot air inasmuch as Newsom will have long since termed out of office by 2035. Who knows what will be happening by then? Or who will be governor 15 years from now? 

Assuming the family electric car(s) will be driven to work and assuming photovoltaic electricity will do most of the battery charging, people will need charging stations where they park at work as the daylight hours are mostly when their cars will be away from their home charger.

Will Californians want to give up their motor vehicles? Will battery powered autos and trucks be practical in 15 years - they aren't now. If CA continues down the path to socialist eco-weirdness, trying to force people into public transit, most people like yours truly will live elsewhere. 

As long as I can drag myself into the cab, I'll keep driving a petroleum-fueled pickup truck, probably a diesel. We've owned a series of pickups since 1983, a Chevy, a Dodge, and three Fords in that order. We've liked them all.