Sunday, September 20, 2020

Back on Offense

John Nolte writes something interesting for Breitbart about the impact of a Supreme Court vacancy occurring now, see if you agree.

The national media and Biden had planned to make 2020 a referendum on Trump’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic. Come hell or high water, they were not going to allow the subject to be changed from that. And it was a good plan. Kept Biden on offense, kept Trump on defense, and that’s how you win presidential elections in this country.

Well, the unfortunate passing of Ginsburg throws all that right over the side.

Whether, in the end, McConnell can or cannot cobble the votes together doesn’t matter. The news cycle is about to be swamped by this confirmation battle, which puts Trump on offense and Biden on defense.

Nolte’s importance of offense vs. defense in campaigning is a viewpoint I’ve not seen elsewhere. It’s worth considering. Hat tip to Ed Driscoll, posting at Instapundit, for the link.