Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pathetic Princeton

There is a great story making the rounds. During the George Floyd riots when many virtue signalers were admitting systemic racism, President Christopher Eisgruber of Princeton University wrote a letter admitting the school was guilty of a variety of discriminatory things, a real mea culpa.

Today comes the news that the Department of Education is conducting an investigation to determine what evil things they were doing. Apparently, they were required to affirm to the DOE that they weren't discriminating or engaging in racist behavior as a precondition for receiving millions in federal dollars.

Princeton of course so swore, and now, given what the Prexy wrote, appears to have been lying. The alternative claim is that they really weren't systemically racist or discriminating and the President's letter was merely public relations hot air lying about something important in an attempt to defuse on-campus unrest.

Perhaps DOE will find that Princeton was behaving itself, their President is a total B.S. artist, and his career is likely at an end. DOE would then be trying to stop virtue signaling on the part of higher ed. administrators. 

Alternatively, the Feds can demand their money back, with interest, if they find the affidavits of policy conformity were a smokescreen and Princeton really was discriminating as its President claimed. In which case the board will also fire him. 

The university is screwed either way. Christopher Eisgruber should start packing.