Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Vote for a Ham Sandwich?

There’s an old lawyer joke to the effect that if district attorney or prosecutor wanted a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, they would do it. Meaning, I suppose, they can be led around by the nose because the D.A. has legal expertise and, unlike a regular trial jury, the grand jurors don’t hear from the other side.

Given the current state of on-display decrepitude of Job Biden, we may want to call this the “ham sandwich election.” It is hard to believe anyone actually wants Joe to be president, although there may be some few people who want Kamala Harris to be ready when the 25the Amendment is trotted out to ease Joe out of office.

Democrats believe they can convince the electorate to vote for Ham Sandwich Joe because literally anyone is better than the Donald? They don’t have us sequestered, we’re hearing from the other side. I’m thinking it won’t work.

Poor old Joe has always tried to reflect the current political ethos in his policy stances, going with the D flow. Meaning he has no fixed principles. 

Unfortunately, he’s been around politics too long - 47 years. What was hip for Dems 30-40 years ago is anathema today, and vice versa. 

The oppo research writes itself, there’s video of a younger Joe saying stuff only Republicans say today. His younger self can campaign against his present self, courtesy of the archives. Even an amateur could cut together a “flip-flop Joe” 30 second ad.