Monday, September 14, 2020

Marx, Engels Were Racists

Steven Hayward who posts at Power Line today is cataloging crazy leftist behavior in higher education. His examples show academia to be nutty as squirrel poo. 

What I found even more interesting was two quotes from letters exchanged between Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. A web search demonstrates the quote is accurate.

For those who slept through history, political science, and economics, Marx and Engels were the co-inventors of Communism. For younger readers, people once texted on paper, if you can imagine it. And in large cities "the mail," as it was called, was delivered more than once per day. 

SNOWFLAKE ALERT, there are words many find offensive in the following quote, be warned. Marx writes first, and Engels' reply follows:

When Black Lives Matter persons tell you they are "trained Marxists," share this with them and watch their heads explode.