Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Debate Night First Reactions

In tonight's debate, Joe Biden only rarely acted addled. The expectations for him had been set so low that he exceeded them. I'm sure he considers doing so a "win."

In many ways Donald Trump dominated the proceedings - sharing a rostrum isn't his main thing - but he may have sometimes appeared a bully. He didn't obviously "lose" in any major respect.

Based on the above, my prediction is that the debate changed few minds in either direction. For the President this isn't great news as the polls have him behind by more than the margin of error.

Tonight's moderator Chris Wallace did not cover himself with glory. I do wish the President had said to Wallace, "You aren't very good at this, are you?" 

Tonight's proceedings certainly put the designated moderators for debates 2 and 3 on notice. They are going to need to get their collective game faces on. 

More thoughts tomorrow.