Saturday, September 19, 2020

I Hear an Echo

Back in early June I wrote the following, excerpted from a discussion of the implications of reducing police presence in our cities.

Eventually whole sections of the city become no-go zones, off limits to uniformed police with any interest in living another day, which is most of them. Somewhere along the line the police will go rogue, hit squads of off-duty cops will begin assassinating drug lords and opposition politicians and, viola, you’ve got a Third World city in what was formerly a first world country.

Today Instapundit writes the following in a discussion of people bushwhacking cops, which sorta echoes what I wrote above.

At what point, faced with assassination attempts, do the police go rogue and form their own death squads to neutralize their enemies? That’s what generally happens in corrupt third-world polities, which is what our Democrat-run cities are becoming.

No, I don't imply plagiarism. I imagine many people who've traveled are imagining this same sinister turn of the screw.