Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Predicting a Multicultural Male Coalition

The Daily Caller has an opinion piece by Alex Perez who writes that, if his observations are correct, there is a likelihood that substantial numbers of young men of color will vote for Donald Trump. He attributes this outlandish assertion to their reaction to the Democratic Party’s rejection of traditional masculinity.

For years now, the Democratic Party has rejected any masculine sensibility in favor of a gung-ho girl power aesthetic that caters strictly to the highly feminized, whether male or female.

All this to say that the Democratic Party is now the party of women and those who identify with the overly feminine sensibility. There’s nothing wrong with this being your cup of tea, of course, but Democrats shouldn’t be surprised when young men of all stripes are turned off by a party that is completely devoid of any masculine energy.

Would I be stereotyping if I noted that it isn’t surprising an Hispanic man makes this observation? Yes. Yes, I would.