Friday, September 18, 2020

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dead at 87

Multiple news sources are reporting the U.S. Supreme Court has announced the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, from complications of pancreatic cancer. She was 87. 

Expect President Trump to quickly announce a nominee for the vacancy on the Court which Ginsburg's death creates. 

Expect Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to opine that his 2016 "we need to let the next president make the nomination" mantra only applies when a president is not from the party currently controlling the Senate.

Expect the Senate to approve the nominee, after an insane fight, unless RINO senators join Romney in wimping out. The Blaze reports Senators Lisa Murkowski (R?-AK) and Susan Collins (R?-ME) have already said they won't vote for a Supreme Court nominee before January's inauguration. 

Let the political backstabbing and bloodletting begin. Let us hope Ginsburg's death will not trigger events that degenerate into civil unrest or civil war. 

Later ... Romney communications director Liz Johnson vehemently claims he has not ruled out voting on a nominee this year, per Twitchy. Perhaps she only means “yet,” although she didn’t use that word.