Tuesday, September 1, 2020

CA Is a Bad Model

Any number of pundits have noted that the Democrats of 2020 want to turn all of the U.S. into political clones of California. Take it from a native Californian who now lives elsewhere, you don't want that to happen. 

Between the tech moguls and the movie bosses, the influentials in CA are very strange people whose tastes you do not share and whose policy preferences you will not enjoy having codified into laws you must obey.

If all that isn't bad enough, the CA legislature has undertaken a study of the state paying reparations to the descendants of pre-Civil War slaves. This in spite of the fact no Californians ever owned slaves, as the "peculiar institution" was never legal in CA. Merely another bad idea pioneered by CA that our nation must not emulate.

Let our battle cry be "Don't Californicate the United States."