Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Poly Sci 101

The population of this great land is roughly 330,000,000. Of those millions, the number who intentionally and voluntarily pay more income tax than the rules demand could fit in one of the smaller venues of a multiplex theater. That number is effectively zero.

If you are concerned that the wealthy have tax loopholes and dodges that enable them to legally pay a lower tax rate than you pay, yours isn’t an irrational viewpoint. However, your beef isn’t with the wealthy, it is with Congress which establishes the rules by which you, and the wealthy, play.

Congress made those “loophole-y” rules at the behest of various special interests which have a claim on legislators’ loyalties. Those claims can be regional (think oil in TX or ND, tourism in FL or HI), “purchased” via indirect campaign contributions, or horse traded for in a “if you vote for my A, I’ll vote for your B” kind of swap. 

Congress can unmake rules which allow the wealthy to pay less tax if it chooses. Your job, and it is not an easy one, is to have more influence on Congress than special interests do. 

Good luck with that Sisyphean task. Forgive me for not holding my breath while waiting for you to accomplish it.